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This blog is from 2007 - 2008. When this was going on: I'm trying to drive three Trabants 15,000 miles from Germany to Cambodia with a bunch of international accomplices. We set off from Germany on July 23rd, 2007, and hope to be in Cambodia by December. To see the route of our global odyssey, which we're calling Trabant Trek, go here: or

Tuesday 24 July 2007

Lovejoy Arrives

by DanPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Lovey got here on Friday (20 July). He's added fresh impetus and even more hair to the trip.
We went out to celebrate with a bar crawl culminating at Margit Island – a kind of mini-Ibiza in the Danube.
Things did not go entirely to plan.
When crawling from one Budapest boozer to another, Megan, Justin and I became separated from OJ and Lovey – who were meant to be giving us a lift. They power-walked ahead, leaving us wandering the city for an hour without a phone or radio.

When we finally caught up with the pair I gave them both a playful slap to show my displeasure.
From nowhere a gorilla-like bouncer appeared and felled me with one swing of his giant, tree trunk arm. He looked like an in-bred Eastern European wrestler and I have no doubt he could have snapped me into pieces.
Tony P tried to intervene but the raging Neanderthal knocked the drinks out of his hands, sending broken glass and booze crashing onto me. Then, for good measure, the giant boffed me on the top of the head with his clunking ogre fist.
I attempted to diffuse the situation by cowering on the floor, adopting the voice of a seven-year-old girl and begging him not to hit me.
Thankfully Lovey and OJ, who is a giant yank of Slavic descent, bore no grudge and stepped in to explain the situation. They cradled me to show their affection and, although the gibbon wasn't impressed, he eventually retreated.

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Last night we returned to the scene of the crime for a second stab at debauchery and had a merry time at the hostel with Viktor.
After a few beers Marlena and I decided to jump into the Danube. Turns out its filthy, enormous and flows incredibly quickly. I will not be jumping in again. Probably my first near-death experience of the trip, if you don't count driving the Trabbis.
Two nights of going out with reckless abandon have taken their toll but some folk are up for more. I'll probably go to bed to cradle my throbbing brain.

We have a list of things we still need – it's long. We've yet to sort out a load of camping stuff, so we're looking into buying a circus tent, which is fitting considering the band of freaks that's going.

Some of us are planning to head to Prague tomorrow while others continue with the list. It's an eight-hour drive and the Trabbi's first serious test.


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